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The Greenland Telescope GISMO Extragalactic Survey - NEP

Thomas R. Greve (DAWN/UCL), Johannes Staguhn (JHU, NASA), Caitlin Casey (UTexas), Elmer Sharp (NASA Goddard), Dale Fixsen (NASA Goddard)

GISMO, the Goddard-Iram Superconducting 2-Millimetre Observer camera, is currently being prepared to go on the Greenland Telescope (GLT) in 2021 to conduct a large (several square degrees) survey of the North Ecliptical Pole (NEP) field at 2mm. In this talk, I will discuss the survey design and some of the many exciting scientific questions that drive the survey. I will also highlight synergies with existing and upcoming surveys of the NEP from the ground and in space. 

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