Multi-Wavelength Astronomy Collaboration towards the New Era with Deep Survey Data

Our conference goes Online!
The 3rd NEP conference is organized by both the NTHU cosmology group and the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (ASIAA). Considering the current situation due to the COVID-19, we would like to announce that this year's NEP conference will be held online from Nov. 25 to Nov. 27, 2020. People who are in Taiwan can join this conference face-to-face at ASIAA, Taipei.
Important Announcements
Nov. 27, 2020
Congratulations to the winners of our Best Postdoc Oral Presentation awards:
Yoshiki Toba
Seong-Kook Lee
Tetsuya Hashimoto
Congratulations to the winners of our Best Student Oral Presentation awards:
Artem Poliszczuk
Simon Ho
Yu-Hsiu Huang
Tiger Y-Y Hsiao
Alvina On
Nov. 24, 2020
A few additional announcements before tomorrow's NEP Conference 2020:
1. For on-site attendees, the venue will not be at the 1F auditorium but R1107 on 11F in ASIAA, Taipei (please click here to see the map; do NOT come to ASIAA at Nankang, come to AISAA within NTU campus near Gongguan). Also, we will have an additional banquet on the evening of the first day, Nov. 25, 2020. This banquet was made possible courtesy of Galaxies, an open access journal and one of our sponsors for this year's conference. Please register at the registration desk tomorrow accordingly to declare your attendance for the said banquet. In addition, please do not forget to bring your ARC/ID and wear your mask during the conference.
2. For speakers, invited talks will be for 15 mins + 5 minutes Q&A, while contributed talks will be for 13 mins + 2 mins Q&A. For on-site speakers, PDF format is recommended for the presentations. All speakers are also invited to submit a conference proceeding (at least 7 pages) to be submitted to Galaxies. More details about the format can be seen here.
3. For online speakers, they will be given 20 minutes before the start of the session to test screen sharing and connection. A chair assistant will be assigned to each session who will take care of this.
For on-site speakers, please upload your presentations to the computer 20 minutes before the start of the session. A chair assistant will also assist you. PDF format of the presentation is recommended for on-site speakers.
4. 3 postdoc and 5 student oral presentation prizes will be awarded on the last day.
We hope to see you tomorrow!
Nov. 19, 2020
An email was sent already to all participants regarding details about Google Meets, Slack, and communication and presentation guidelines. Please contact the SOC/LOC chairs if you still haven't received an email.
Nov. 17, 2020
The conference program is now released! Please click the button above to see it. Also, an email announcement will be sent later.
Nov. 09, 2020
The conference registration deadline: registration system closed!
Oct. 07, 2020
The first announcement: this website officially opened.
For questions and concerns regarding the conference,
please send an email to:
Tomo Goto (
Seong Jin Kim (
Youichi Ohyama (
IoA, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu City, 886-3-57-4262
Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (ASIAA), 886-2-3365-2200
Organizing Committee
Tomotsugu GOTO (NTHU, chair)
Seong-Jin KIM, Tetsuya HASHIMOTO, Simon HO, Daryl Joe SANTOS, Ting-Yi LU, Alvina ON, Yu-Yang HSIAO, Minh-Ngoc LE & the NTHU IoA Observational Cosmology Group
Youichi OHYAMA (ASIAA, chair)
Cindy CHIU,