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Optical-IR Identification of Chandra sources in ANEP-D

Takamitsu Miyaji (IA-UNAM-Ensenada / AIP)

We report the progress of our program in optical-IR identification of the X-ray sources detected in our Chandra observations on the AKARI NEP Deep Field (ANEPD). We summarize results of optical spectra obtained through a number of programs using Gran Telescopio Canarias and Keck. We also search for counterparts in our Hyper-Suprime Cam (HSC) data. A feaction of X-ray sources have multiple optical counterpart candidates. For identifying the most likely counterpart, we apply the likekihood ratio (LR) analysis. An novel aspect of our LR analysis is that we use X-ray flux-dependent LR. We explain the basics of this method and preliminary results in our Chandra ANEPD - HSC analysis. 

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