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The future of the NEP: Euclid Deep Field North

Stephen Serjeant (The Open University)

The North Ecliptic Pole is the natural deep field for a wide category of space-based observatories, from IRAS to eROSITA and Euclid. Here I will present projections for the Euclid mission, which has located its 20 square degree Euclid Deep Field North at the NEP, with an inner 10 square degrees with triple the exposure time. Euclid will provide visible and near-infrared imaging to Y+J+H~26 AB, visible imaging to 26.5 AB, and near-infrared spectroscopy to ~5e-17 ergs/s/cm2. I will present projections for the discovery of strong gravitational lenses, quasars, high luminosity objects in reionization, galaxy morphologies, galaxy clusters, and more, in many cases assisted by forthcoming multi-wavelength data from e.g. eROSITA and TolTEC. I will also review some of the machine learning technologies being developed for deployment in this large and complex data set.

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