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SCUBA-2 NEP Time-Domain Field Project for the Preparation of the Future JWST Era

Minhee Hyun(Seoul National Univ.), Ian Smail(Durham University), Myungshin Im(Seoul National Univ.), Roger A. Windhorst(Arizona State University), Rolf A. Jansen(Arizona State University), Christopher N. A. Wilmer(Steward Observatory, University of Arizona), William D. Cotton(National Radio Astronomy Observatory), Giovanni Fazio(Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian), Richard Perley(National Radio Astronomy Observatory), James J. Condon(National Radio Astronomy Observatory), Mark Swinbank(Durham University), Seth Cohen(Arizona State University), Li-Hwai Lin(Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics), Fangxia An(Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy & University of the Western Cape), Hyunjin Shim(Kyungpook National University) and JWST/GTO TDS team

The NEP Time-Domain Field is about 14' diameter field which will be surveyed with NIRCam/NIRISS of JWST. In this talk, we will introduce the SCUBA-2 NEP Time-Domain Filed project and the newly discovered 93 sub-mm sources and their properties.

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