We would like to invite you to this AKARI NEP conference at NTHU, Hsinchu in Taiwan, held on 6/27(Wed). With the HSC data reduced recently and new SCUBA2 data coming in (thanks to our Korean friends), it is a good time to meet and discuss about current status and the future. Details will be announced soon, but please mark your calendar first.

2018 NEP Meeting
01 / AKARI and multi- wavelengths data ...
AKARI's 9-band near- to mid-IR images are truly unique in that no other telescope can provide such images. And our NEP region is one of the most frequently observed area on the sky, extensively covering from uv to radio !!
02 / Recent Subaru/HSC
& new SCUBA2 obs...
Recenly we obtained new Subaru HSC images to cover the entire NEP wide field (5.2 sq. deg.). This region is going to be covered with a large SCUBA2 program with sub-mm bands.
03 / So, here in NTHU,
we are now ...
With the new data coming in, a new era of science in NEP has begun. Time is ripe for scientists to get together for the fruitful future of the NEP! Let's meet at the NTHU!

NEP Observation
Data, Proposal
Catalogs, etc.

New Ideas
Scientific Interests
Recent Results

Making friends
Future Plans
June 27 (Wed)
0800-0900 Registration
0900-0910 Welcoming Remarks - Goto, Tomo.
*S1- (Chair: Chiang, Chia-Ying) (4 talks+poster)
0910-0930 Matsuhara, Hideo (20m)
0930-0950 Lee, Hyung Mok (20m)
0950-1005 Oi, Nagisa (remote )
1005-1020 Chen, Chien-Ting (remote )
1040 -1110 Coffee break & Poster
*S2, (Chair: Hashimoto, Tetsuya) (5 talks)
1110-1125 Kim, Seong-Jin
1125-1140 Jeong, Woong-Seob
1140-1155 Miyaji, Takamitsu
1155-1205 Burgarella, Denis
1205-1220 Ohyama, Youichi
*Conference Photo (12:20-12:30)
*12:20-14:10pm, Lunch
*S3, (Chair: Matsuhara, Hideo) (6 talks)
1410-1425 Shim, Hyunjin
1425-1440 Seo, Hyunjong
1440-1455 Takagi,Toshi
1455-1510 Kilerci Eser, Ece
1510-1525 Chang, Yu-Yen
1525-1540 Chiang, Chia-Ying
1540-1615 Coffee break
*S4, (Chair: Kim, Seong-Jin) (4normal+3short )
1615-1630 Hashimoto, Tetsuya
1630-1645 Toba, Yoshiki
1645-1700 Aoyama, Shohei
1700-1715 Hsu, Li-Ting
--- Student: 10min ---
1715-1725 Wu, Yi-Han
1725-1735 Narwal, Tapish
1735-1745 Lu, Nicole
1745-1800 Conference Summary (Lee, H.M.)
1830-1900 Move to Ding Tai Feng
1900-2130 Dinner (NTD200)
June 28 (Thu)
0900-1030 Free discussion
1030-1100 Coffee break
1100-1200 Free discussion
1200-1300 Lunch
------- Outline of NEP Multi-wavelengths Survey
------- NEP/SCUBA2 Survey
------- Subaru/HSC Data on the NEP
------- Prospects of ART-XC observations in NEP
------- 5 minutes x 4 presentations
------- Star-Forming PAH Galaxies in the NEP
------- To Reveal the origin of CIB: MIRIS, NISS & SPHEREx
------- X-ray Observation on the NEP Field
------- Multi-wavelength Study of Galaxies: the Role of IR/SMM
------- SPICY: AKARI Slitless Spectroscopy of Galaxies at z~<0.5
in front of the Building, 1st floor
Prepared at the Lounge
------- Red Galaxies and Beyond
------- SCUBA2 850um Objects in the NEP
------- Keck/DEIMOS Spectroscopy AKARI/MIR Galaxies
------- Local IR Luminosity Function from AKARI Galaxies.
------- Host Galaxies of IR-AGNs
------- AGN Fraction - Extinction Free SED-Fit Test
------- The 4D Fundamental Metallicity Relation of SFGs
------- Relationship between MIR and X-ray lum of AGNs
------- Dust Properties from Cosmological Simulation
------- NIR Survey GOODS-North Field and the Science
------- Dark Energy Probe: Lum vs FWHM of High-z Molecular Lines
------- Supercluster Hunting - the Most Distant One
------- Reionization with a Quasar @z=6.6
(Bus will be standing by at 2130)
National Tsing Hua University
Tel: +886-3-57-4262
Cell: 0978-450-040
No. 101, Sec.2, Kuang-Fu Road
Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan

We are happy to announce followings of our meeting.
1. Discussion
There will be additioinal session in the morning of 6/28(Thu) to discuss future prospects, poposals, and collaborations. Please try to stay if your schedule allows. We need to check how many will take part in this session to order lunch boxes. Please reply to seongini@gmail.com if you need lunch box for the 2nd day.
2. Program/Schedule (6/27, 28)
Preliminary schedule is shown at the conference web page [See Above]. We have interesting presentations (09AM-6PM), with more than 30 participants, 26 talks (oral & poster, including 2 remote participants)
3. For Remote Participation/Presentation.
Please notifiy starwyh@gmail.com your skype account in advance.
- Our SKYPE account : arishyshu@gmail.com ,
- Account Name : Cosmology Group NTHU.
4. We use our windows PC for presentation to save time on switching PCs.
Please copy your presentatioins file to our USB, during the break before your presentation (registration, coffee break or lunch)
5. Early Arrival on 6/26 (Tue).
We plan to go dinner with early arrivals. Please come to 5th floor of 'General Building 2' if you arrive early. If you can join the dinner, please let seongini@gmail.com know your arrival time.
6. Please be ready for a hot weather in Taiwan.
Temperature raises up to more than 35C during the day. UV protected umbrella would be useful to walk around here. Locals carry a water bottle all the time. Please stay hydrated.
7. Please bring your own mug cup.
We're not going to prepare paper cups for coffee break to be environmentally friendly.
If you have any questions or requests, please let us know (tomo@phys.nthu.edu.tw; tomosecretary@gmail.com; seongini@gmail.com; tetsuya@phys.nthu.edu.tw; jamiech109@gmail.com; ft8320@wayne.edu )
We are looking forward to meet at the conference,